Meet the executive behind the rock-solid foundation of Gunboat since Grand Large Yachting's acquisition of the brand in 2016. Gunboat Managing Partner, Benoit Lebizay, talks about the company, the new factory, and the Gunboat 68. Interview on March 5, 2020 at our factory in La Grande-Motte France.
Interview with Benoit Lebizay, Gunboat Managing Partner
Interview with Benoit Lebizay, Gunboat Managing Partner
Alongside the interview, Benoit would also like to add:
"The interview took place before the COVID crisis resulted in a country-wide lockdown in France. Since then our first priority has been maintaining a safe working environment for the Gunboat team, which meant scaling down for several weeks. Fortunately, small teams working in shifts maintained some progress on production, and two months later we are pleased to report operating near full capacity again. While our team has remained healthy, we remain humble because we know that the battle is not over yet, and continue operating with people-first and full transparency. As of mid-May, Gunboat 6803 is on track to splash this summer, and 6804 in early 2021."
"Designing, building, and sailing these incredible boats is our passion and we are very happy to be able to continue to do so, sharing it with our followers, possibly providing rays of sunshine in these challenging times."
For the Gunboat team, our greatest motivation has always been bringing this dream to life for new owners. While we are a team of boatbuiders, engineers, and administrators that you can count on, at the core we are sailors - motivated by the elevated feeling of perfomance sailing and cruising together in unmatched comfort and style.